TBU # 002: Biomimetic Tip Tuesday: 5 Reasons Why You Need Air Abrassion
Jan 25, 2022
Air abrasion has numerous benefits in the dental setting. Here are my top 5 reasons to use air abrasion in your office.
1. Air Abrasion improves bond strength to the most important bonding systems. The air abrasion creates a better surface that the bonding system can bond to. The newly formed hybrid layer will also last longer and not degrade as fast as other methods of prepping teeth.
2. Air abrasion can minimally prep teeth with no noise, heat or patient discomfort. This actually comes up more than you'd think. I offer dental work with no injections as much as I can to my patients.
3. Composite repairs are possible. Making any type of addition is way easier, maybe a contact repair, additional sealing of a restoration, etc. Just a few simple steps and you can save yourself a lot of headache.
4. Recementing crowns. Cleaning out old debris, adhesive, etc hasn't been easier. Plus if we're talking about a zirconia crown, it'll help improve bond strengths.
5. Air abrasion can improve the bond for sealants. The particles will clean and micro etch the tooth. This will give a longer more durable seal to the tooth.
If you're on the fence about air abrasion, I'd say its totally worth it. The higher you go in price, typically the better the machine and the better results you will see from it. Its easy to get discouraged with the cheaper systems. They can be super messy. The high end ones will have a lot more control of the power, powder and air flow. Its worth it.