I've transitioned a traditional office into a million dollar biomimetic office.  I've increased revenue every year while also increasing my patient base.  I have patients coming from all parts of America to see me.  I also only work 4 days a week out of two chairs. 


With this program, it doesn't matter if you  have taken the scientific mastership courses, watched the webinars or have read all the scientific articles.  I'll show you how to apply all that information to make money doing biomimetics.  No matter your office style.  I'm only choosing one person to mentor a month, as to create a unique and custom approach for you.  Let me grow your biomimetic practice for you! 


This course is designed to be for beginner and advanced a like, anyone looking to further apply their understanding of biomimetics into what they are already doing.  At the end of this you will have a deeper understanding of the sciences, application, and all the tips and tricks to be successful.  




Dr. Jeff Davies has studied the concepts of biomimetic dentistry extensively, starting in 2012 when he studied under "the Father of Biomimetic Dentistry", Pascal Magne, at USC.  He was part of Pascal's first inaugural Dental Morphology, Function, and Esthetics (DMFE) course that blended dental arts and scientific literature.  While in dental school, 2015, he started the Biomimetic Study Club as a way to promote these concepts.  

Since then, he has studied the with the leaders in biomimetic dentistry continuing education, including a two year long mentorship with Dr David Alleman, one of the founding fathers of biomimetic dentistry.  Some of the educators he has studied with include, Drs. Dave AllemanMatt NejadSimone Deliperi, and Tim Rainey.  He is a key opinion leader and works closely with a variety of dental companies that support biomimetic dentistry.  He has been practicing biomimetic dentistry exclusively in his dental career.   


  • Three months of mentoring and coaching about the business of biomimetic dentistry 
  • Troubleshooting of common workflow problems (clinical, scheduling, patient management, etc)
  • Custom and personalized approach that fits your office style
  • Personal Access: phone, text, zoom communications, etc 
  • Any content that is created is yours
  • 1 Year of BSC Membership (access to content, challenges, etc)



  • Biomechanics of Biomimetic Dentistry
  • Caries in an Evidence Based Practice
  • Peripheral Seal Zone and Caries Removal Endpoints
  • Selecting Adhesives and Protocols 
  • IDS/ Resin Coating/ Biobase
  • Deep Margin Elevations and tips for success
  • Stress Reduced Direct Composites + Fibers
  • Indirect restorations - Start to Finish
  • Treatment Planning, Scheduling, Patient Management 
  • Fees, Overhead, Financial Review
  • Marketing, Social Media, Online Presence
  • Website Functionality, Review,  Analysis, Planning 


Additional plans available upon request.


One time

  • Three months of mentoring and coaching about the business of biomimetic dentistry
  • Review of the sciences, techniques and protocols
  • Troubleshooting of common workflow problems (clinical, scheduling, patient management, etc)
  • Custom and personalized approach that fits your office style
  • Personal Access: phone, text, zoom communications, etc
  • Any content that is created is yours
  • 1 Year of BSC Membership (access to content, challenges, etc)

Lets change the way you practice! 



                  50% Complete

                  Two Step

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