About Me...
Traditional dentistry is dead! There is so much scientific research showing us that traditional dentistry has become dated. Its time for a change. The Biomimetic Study Club is leading the way. We are making it happen. We are disrupting what you thought you knew. We are changing everything.
I started the BSC on Instagram, in 2015, as a way to encourage others to adopt a new way of thinking. It quickly became clear that there were tons of questions out there. Its so easy to get lost in mass amount of dental research out there. Without someone guiding and giving direction, it can all appear to be good. Im here to tell you, its not. There is a lot of BAD research being done.
The BSC has evolved into offering group and personal mentorship as well as other beneficial aspects. Things have grown tremendously. We have members all over the world who are leading the way in what they do. Our members are truly top of their game. They are key opinion leaders, researchers, educators, as well as being highly respected by their peers. I know you can achieve the same success! Lets get started!
Biomimetic Study Club Founder
I'm Dr. Jeff Davies. I've been doing biomimetics since 2012. Thousands have heard me speak on biomimetics. I've taught, coached and mentored various practitioners in their understanding of biomimetic dentistry as well as help improve their clinical techniques. I have also provided Continuing Education courses in Biomimetic Dentistry as well as being a key opinion leader for dental companies in my short dental career. He maintains a biomimetic office is Dallas, Texas.

Three different ways I can help you
Join our club to get guidance for every step of your business journey!
The Biomimetic Uprising Newsletter
Sign up and get weekly actionable tips to improve your skills, understanding, and techniques. It's your first step toward growth in all areas of biomimetic dentistry AND feeling more confident with your clinical skills!
Club Membership
Our community is growing daily. This is a group that supports each other and helps you grow. The groups chats is perfect to ask questions and get feedback in a short notice. Our members meetups allow for sharing of unique insights on how to improve your biomimetic practice and implement protocols more efficiently. There's also new mini courses delivered to you monthly.
Online Courses
Self-paced courses that teach you biomimetic dentistry on your own time. No matter your current understanding, these will deepen your knowledge and application of the concepts. We've put together everything you'd need to be a successful biomimetic dentist.
Join our newsletter to get 1 actionable biomimetic tip every Saturday!